Conventional Power Plant Conventional Power Plant with CPCE Process Process Technology Image 1 Process Technology Image 2 Process Technology Image 3 Process Technology Image 4 Process Technology Image 5 CPCE Zero CO2 Process CPCE Zero CO2 Process Map of U.S. Power Plants

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Image 1"A Fossil fuel like coal, crude oil, natural gas, Bio-mass to be used in Conventional Power Plant which shown block diagram, loss of thermal energy ca. 43% to 35%, overall waste heat ca. 48% to 40%. This type of power plan releases harmful emission, black carbon(soot), fine ash, mercury antimony ...

Image 2" A Fossil fuel like coal, crude oil, natural gas, Bio-mass to be used in Conventional Power Plant shown block diagram, modified with CPCE process profit for removal of carbon dioxide and re-use it carbon balance to all imported crude oil in United States. It produce high end products e.g.jet fuel, gasoline, ethanal, dimeth ether, Fertilizer, Ammonia, ect. With overall loss less than 10%...

Image 3" CPCE for other than fossil power plants, generically referred to as Flue Gas "using first new thermodynamic cycle"...

Image 4" Post-combustion carbon capture of CPCE for Flue gas of power plants, flue gas (from coal/oil/natural gas fired fossil power plants or gas turbine single cycle or combined cycle "using first new thermodynamic cycle"...

Image 5" Pre-combustion carbon capture application of CPCE for Middle pressure/low pressure gasification, using syngas (from coal/oil/natural gas/biomass)downstream of gasification reactor "using first new thermodynamic cycle"

Image 6" Pre-combustion carbon capture application of CPCE for High Pressure gasification "using FIRST new thermodynamic cycle"...

Image 7" Super-efficient hydrogen based fossil power plants with High Pressure gasification "using FIRST new thermodynamic cycle" & SECOND new thermodynamic cycle...

Image 8" CPCE Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Advanced Energy Process with Coal, Crude Oil Natural Gas as a source of CO2 Emission, syngas; jet fuel, gasoline, methanol, ethanol, other hydrocarbons...

Image 9" CPCE Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Advanced Energy Process with stationary as a source of CO2 Emission, this process captures CO2 and other pollutants, recovers waste heat, generate additional electricity, captures harmful pollutants...

Image 10" Map of United States Power Plants...

Image 11" Number of the chemicals obtainable from the syngas of CPCE

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1) Conventional Power Plant
2) Conventional Power Plant with CPCE Process
3) CPCE for other than fossil power plants, Flue Gas
4) Post-combustion carbon capture, flue gas
5) Pre-combustion carbon capture, Middle pressure/low pressure
6) Pre-combustion carbon capture, High Pressure gasification
7) Super-efficient hydrogen based, High Pressure gasification 8) CPCE Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Advanced Energy Process with Coal, Crude Oil Natural Gas 9) SCPCE Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Advanced Energy Process with stationary
10) Map of U.S. Power Plants
11) Number of the chemicals obtainable from the syngas of CPCE